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SkillDisplay - Coffee & Talk at TYPO3 Eastern Europe 2018

Thanks to Christina from SkillDisplay for sharing!

SkillDisplay is the educational partner of TYPO3 Eastern Europe 2018 (T3EE). The event will be taking place once again in Cluj-Napoca, Romania between 14th and 16th of September 2018.

Find out about SkillDisplay’s plans for the event in our new event category here and in this blog post!

There are several topics about the event covered in this blog post:

  • About the Camp

  • Provision Campaign for Learners, Educators and Business Persons

  • Coffee & Talk for Educators and Business Persons

  • Educator and Business Person Boxes

  • TYPO3 Skill Management Talk and SkillDisplay Booth for T3EE Participants

About the Camp

Every year - since 2013 - TYPO3 developers, agencies and community members from all over Europe come together at T3EE. The aim is to promote the development of TYPO3 in places, where people are not that familiar with the CMS so local communities can grow.

Here is some information about the camp:

  • 500+ participants over the years

  • 15+ countries

  • Interesting subjects revealed by speakers

  • Special events for students

  • TYPO3 Marathon

  • Different challenges

  • You’ll have lots of fun

Provision campaign for learners, educators and business persons

The TYPO3 Eastern Europe campaign consists of provision points, packages and stretch goals.

Provision points

Provision points can be collected by everyone: learners, educators and business persons. The current status of achieved points is visible here.


By choosing a package, provision points can be added. Coffee and talk - described in the next paragraph - is one of the available packages, but there are many more:

  • SkillDisplay Coffee Round

  • I came for the adventure

  • Let’s get organized

  • Let’s get REALLY organized

  • Diversity support ticket

  • Eastern Europe Education Enabler

  • Eastern Europe Education Entrepreneur

You can find more information here.

Stretch goals

The stretch goals get unlocked when reaching a number of provision points. The goals contain memberships for educators and business persons, learner level upgrades, a preview of our SkillAdventure and many more! You can find them here.

Coffee & talk for educators and business persons

Do you want to join us? We’ll drink some coffee and talk about your needs (regarding TYPO3 education and cooperation).

SkillDisplay members and their partners will share their experience, best practices and material about teaching CMS in lectures, tracking skills of students, benefiting from business partnerships and more. The SkillDisplay project already has partnerships with educational institutes in Romania.

We will set the focus on

  • experiences

  • possibilities

  • existing impediments

for lasting partnerships between educators and business persons.

Note: If you’d like to attend the coffee round, please fill in the form: Sign up for the coffee round! This package is free, because we want to strengthen the ties to eastern educational institutes over the course of our Erasmus+ EU project.

Educator and Business Person Boxes

We provide

TYPO3 Education Committee Starter Boxes

:: Empowered by SkillDisplay::

for educators as well as business persons. Both have to sign up for the coffee round to receive a box.

Educator Box

Educators can use the box to easily implement the TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor SkillPath into the classroom.

The educator box includes:

  • Setup guide - how to set up TYPO3

  • Lecture guides - with pedagogical background

  • Class schedule - which skills should be taught in which lesson?

  • Ready-made questions and solutions related to the skills of TCCE

  • Instruction: Cooperating with a company - SkillDisplay assists you with finding a partner

Business Person Box

Business Persons can meet the best students of a class to get to know them and their strengths.

The business person box includes:

  • How to host a

    • TYPO3 setup day for the best students of an educational institution.

    • TYPO3 skill review day, where I meet the students again and verify their newly-reached skills.

  • Exercises for the TYPO3 skill review day.

Cooperation between educators and business persons

The plan is to bring together business persons and young TYPO3 learners.

This will be achieved by a two days workshop.

  • Day one (at the beginning of the class):
    A number of students get the possibility to go to a company. This day of the workshop is used to set up TYPO3 environments on the students’ laptops, so they have a ready-to-use instance to learn how to use the content management system.

  • Lecture
    Between these two days, the educator teaches the TYPO3 skills. They get assistance in form of the TYPO3 Education Committee Starter Box and the SkillDisplay platform.

  • Day two (at the end of the class):
    This day will be a get-together of the best students and the business persons. Business persons should verify the skills of the students. The skills should be assessed while doing a practical exercise.

Memberships “Part of the unit” and “For the greater good”

Both stretch goals will be a good expansion for the TYPO3 Education Committee Starter Boxes.

If the stretch goal “Part of the unit” - when 300 provision points are achieved - is unlocked, business persons who have picked at least one package will get a 3-star SkillDisplay membership for 1 year.

The stretch goal “For the greater good” will be unlocked when 400 provision points are reached. Participating educational partners will get the 3-star educational membership.

Click here to see, how you can add provision points to the campaign and what other stretch goals are available.

TYPO3 skill management talk and SkillDisplay booth for T3EE participants

Beside Coffee & Talk, everyone - learners, educators and business persons - who is interested is very welcome to listen to the instruction talk about skill management.

We will also have a SkillDisplay booth which will be open for all participants of T3EE. You will be able to pick up information, ask questions and obtain TYPO3 SkillTree posters (featuring all skills for TCCE, TCCI and TCCD). If the desired amount of provision points is reached, the following stretch goals will be available at the SkillDisplay booth, too.

On-premises SkillDisplay account verification

Unlocked at 100 provision points.

T3EE participants can verify their account on premises at the SkillDisplay booth. For this, identity information from the participants is required (ID card or passport). After the signup, the first name, last name and photo get imported into the user’s profile and cannot be changed anymore.

Certification pre-test

Unlocked at 200 provision points.

Participants will be able to answer test-questions for the exam at the SkillDisplay booth - this unlocks educational partnerships. The questions will be provided by Tom Novotny (TYPO3 Education Committee)


To sum the blog post up, we have a provision campaign, where you can choose packages to achieve provision points. With the provision points you can unlock a variety of stretch goals. You can find the TYPO3 Eastern Europe Campaign here.

One of the packages is “Coffee & Talk at the SkillDisplay Booth” - it’s free and you can register for that here, if you are an educator or a business person.

For everyone who is participating T3EE, the SkillDisplay team will be available at the SkillDisplay booth, so you can ask questions and get to know SkillDisplay and their way of learning and verifying new skills.

Editor’s note: Find out more about TYPO3 East Europe 2018 and sign up here.