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Educate your audience

Conveying in-depth, educational content to a varied audience of students, families, and teachers is a complicated undertaking. Universities, primary school systems, trade schools, and publishers all use TYPO3 to organize and present enriching content to learners. Our CMS safeguards your users’ sensitive data, provides reliable infrastructure, and offers long-term support plans, so you can focus on student success.

Get top marks in organization

Current students, prospective students, staff, teachers parents, families, school boards, and other authorities are all looking for different information when they visit your website. TYPO3 helps keep your content consistent and organized across courses, research topics, school districts, and more with multisite functionality.

Invest for the long haul

Educational institutions don’t always have the agility or the funding to constantly adapt to the latest tech. TYPO3 is a professional, open-source CMS that works for the long haul with predictable release cycles and extended, long-term support.

Gain public trust

Educational institutions need to practice high levels of  transparency, reliability, and security to maintain trust and credibility. TYPO3 offers a strong security ecosystem, structured site management, built-in privacy tooling, and long-term commercial support — all backed by a dedicated security team.

Learn how educational institutions keep teachers, students, and families up-to-date with TYPO3

Education Solutions

Clear and customizable publishing workflows

Ensuring that content is compliant and ready for the public can be an arduous process. Teams need the ability to stage, preview, approve, and finalize content in a secure and private environment before hitting “publish.” TYPO3’s publishing workflow comes equipped with powerful features like automatic publishing, previews, link-sharing, scheduling, and defined user roles and permission flows—so you can remain compliant and get the approvals you need before your content goes live. With Workspaces, you can even build a custom workflow. TYPO3 lets you build a publishing workflow that fits your organization’s specific requirements.

Manage large volumes of varied content

A content-rich web property with tens of thousands 10.000s of pages, topics, assets, articles, FAQs, profiles, etc. can be difficult to organize and manage. The TYPO3 backend provides Dashboards, reusable Content Elements, and structured, hierarchical Page Trees and List Views that can be easily filtered and searched. Content editors can better manage their time by reusing standard elements and relying on TYPO3’s Dashboard notifications to keep them on track. 

Secure sites with powerful Access Control

If your organization handles sensitive user data, your internal users will need different access levels to the information you handle on the backend. TYPO’s powerful access control features help define user groups’ levels of access.  Additional security features like multi-factor authentication, IP-address detection, and internal user directories keep the wrong people from accessing your CMS. TYPO3 ensures your internal and external users can access the information they need, but not more. 

A shared backend for multiple sites and locales

Managing internal and external users can be difficult for a global or distributed organization, especially if they need a multi-site setup. Add as many sites as you need in your TYPO3 multi-site installation, and centrally manage languages, domains, individual sites, page access, and user rights in a single, shared backend. TYPO3’s multi-site installations are maintainable, efficient, and flexible to meet your organization’s specific needs. 

Put editors in charge of asset management

Editors often fall into the trap of creating duplicate images or media while editing or forgetting to update new images on a website. Those responsible for editing images and branding need to be able to deploy changes system-wide. TYPO3 offers centralized file management, which provides the right asset for editors that need to edit, crop, or update assets shared across a single or multiple sites. Manage your shared media assets from a central location, and make sure the right people can edit and override assets system-wide. 

Meaningful user engagement

Reaching the right audience via your website is difficult unless you truly understand your end-users. TYPO3 makes it a breeze to gather leads and make connections via endless custom forms options, user personalization, and back-office marketing integrations and extensions. Engage more meaningfully with your end-users by gathering the information you need to know and personalizing your contact. 

Personalized self-service portals for end-users

A modern website should create spaces for users to perform actions like payments, form input, or profile edits, without the help of a customer service rep. TYPO3 enables your customers and logged-in users with self-service portals and powerful search functionality, so they can find and input the information without friction. Lessen the burden on your customer service and create efficient self-service tools that end-users prefer.

What other educational institutions are saying

Norman Macha - Project Manager UX, Website and Relaunch - Technical University of Munich (TUM)

For the Technical University of Munich, with 50,000 students and 200 subdomains, the large-scale, scalable, flexible and customizable open source enterprise system TYPO3 - lives up to our spirit of "enabling access to knowledge for all"

Matt Keogh - Strategic Designer - Liquid Light

As an agency that works with large complex organisations, TYPO3 aligns perfectly with our clients’ requirements. It’s easy for our clients to use, we can configure it exactly how we want and has many features baked into the core that large organisations expect.

Isabel Pantke - Online Editorial - Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

For our 25 websites in 17 languages, mostly multilingual, TYPO3 is the perfect system. With the localization extension and the multilingual backend of TYPO3, this is also easy to maintain for the editors on site, in South Korea, Morocco or anywhere else.

Educational institutions get all A’s with TYPO3

TH Rosenheim

Start with TYPO3 with our Higher Education Package

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