Author: Christina Bornberg
Christina is an electronics student at FH Technikum Vienna, University of Applied Sciences. Previously, she was in a technical highschool where she studied IT / media technology, where she learned about TYPO3 with the help of SkillDisplay. After she got her school leaving certificate she became a part of the SkillDisplay team.
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SkillDisplay - Find an Employee with the Web Skills You Really Need
By creating a job profile with SkillDisplay, a department can choose from a set of skills. Thus, they can assist the HR team with their requirements and the future employees as they can determine how much their skills match the job requirements.

SkillDisplay - Web Should Be Accessible to Everyone
Web should be accessible to everyone, everywhere. This blog post is about the tips and tricks of three web accessibility experts. The TYPO3 community can help make the web a better place with already made little steps. Read on to get more information!

SkillDisplay - The Challenges and Plans of TYPO3 Docs
The Documentation Team wants to make TYPO3 accessible for everyone, from beginners to experts. Daniel Siepmann gave an interview and answered questions around current tasks and future plans of the team. Additionally he gave tips to the TYPO3 community.

SkillDisplay - Gamification for TCCE v9
The TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor gamification, MainzificRim, will get an update to version 9 of the content management system. This wouldn’t be possible without the TYPO3 Association and TYPO3 GmbH. Read on to get more information about the new missions of the adventure.

SkillDisplay - Become a Test Verifier for Six Months
SkillDisplay‘s Open Beta is live and therefore they invite business persons to test the platform for the following six months. Their newest blog post covers possible verification scenarios and explains how to become a test verifier.

SkillDisplay - Recap of TYPO3Camp Vienna 2019
SkillDisplay was the educational partner of TYPO3Camp Vienna 2019. Being a barcamp, sessions of the camp were held and chosen by the participants. Due to the course of the event, some SkillSets that suited the held sessions were created.

SkillDisplay - Attend #T3CVIE as an Educator
SkillDisplay is an Erasmus+ supported project which focuses on education. Therefore, they offer free tickets for #T3CVIE to educators who are interested in web technologies. This blog post is about the event, its sessions and the resources SkillDisplay has planned.

SkillDisplay - as a Service
SkillDisplay as a Service offers the possibility to get a SkillDisplay instance and therefore allows to create private, in-house skills and SkillTrees. Employees and students can therefore be educated without the need of making resources open source.

SkillDisplay - The New Skills of TCCE v9
SkillDisplay’s 25th blog post is about the new skills of the TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor v9 LTS. Together with the TYPO3 GmbH and the TYPO3 Education Committee, the syllabus and the SkillSet were updated to the new version. Read on to get more information!

SkillDisplay - New Year's Resolutions 2019
The year 2018 has ended and the new year 2019 has begun. As every year, it is time for New Year’s resolutions for the SkillDisplay team, as well as learners, educators and business persons! Also, the top users of SkillDisplay are announced in this blog entry.

SkillDisplay - Be Part of Closed Beta
Log in until 1st January 2019 on the SkillDisplay platform and become part of Closed Beta. By joining the phase, users will get access to the newest TCCE v9 LTS skills and can keep their user account. Furthermore the platform gets a new UX design.