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Keep your options open

Your CMS shouldn’t limit your website’s scope or your ability to add new functionality down the road. TYPO3’s open architecture, extensibility, and flexibility area allow you to build whatever you need, whenever you need it. Our developer-friendly infrastructure and vibrant professional community help sustain TYPO3’s ongoing growth and momentum. TYPO3 gives you the freedom and flexibility of open source: create your ideal project without sacrificing flexibility and enhancements in the future.

Structural Flexibility & Open Architecture

Protect your investment and freedom of choice—TYPO3 delivers powerful core features within an open architecture and flexible structures allowing significant extensibility.

Your investment should deliver value. At the same time, you do not know which current technologies will survive. Is your choice of cloud infrastructure operating system, and database the right one? Will it still be true in five years?

TYPO3’s independence from specific IT structures, databases, operating systems, and deployment systems lets it adapt with your needs and the evolving technology landscape.

  • Choose independence from changing data storage technologies with the TYPO3 Database Abstraction Layer.
  • Select the deployment solution that fits your needs, be it an in-house server, cloud service, or even software as a service.
  • Run a single page or a thousand websites in one instance. TYPO3 gives you the freedom to deliver exactly what you need.

Extensibility, Customization & Integrations

As the web and your business change and develop, your needs will change, too. TYPO3 supports best-practice customization, integration, and extension to ensure the value and reliability of your web presence in the long term.

You require reliable content management today and a CMS that can cope with the unknown challenges the future will bring.

TYPO3 delivers powerful and flexible customization and extensibility. Meet today’s needs while keeping your installation ready for the future.

  • From small blog to the enterprise, a rich set of core functions and third-party extensions meet almost any business requirements.
  • Implement and communicate through the media channels of your choice.
  • Easily integrate rich media and simple content on the same platform.
  • Extend TYPO3 with new functions and find the help you need in a community of professionals.
  • Customize, expand, or minimize your instance. TYPO3 can be customized to meet the huge requirement sets of the largest websites or minimized to deliver a custom-tailored solution to a specific task.

Developer Experience

TYPO3 is a powerhouse that turns a set of open source components into an enterprise CMS. It can deliver the majority of a project’s requirements out-of-the-box while remaining developer-friendly, well-documented, reliable, predictable, extensible, and easy to upgrade.

Your CMS should make delivering both standard requirements and custom functionality easy. However, unique needs and business requirements typically make up only 20% of any given website project.

TYPO3 delivers 80% of the CMS functionality every project needs and frees up your developers to focus on the solutions that make you and your business special.

  • Join the friendly and inclusive TYPO3 community. Gathered under the motto, “inspiring people to share”, the TYPO3 ecosystem offers regular regional, national, and international events for learning and developing skills and solutions.
  • Grow and maintain your TYPO3 expertise with exhaustive documentation, blogs, training, and certification.
  • TYPO3 is built for constant update and improvement to keep up with changing technologies and demands while ensuring security, integrity, and reliability.
  • TYPO3 is built on industry-standard open source libraries and practices, including components from the Symfony framework, PSR-compliant implementations, Composer-based dependency management, and PHP (the language running 80% of the web), making it a valuable, easy-to-learn platform for modern web developers familiar with other systems.
  • Get up-and-running on TYPO3 fast with quick install options, pre-filled content and configuration examples, and frontend styling using the Introduction and Bootstrap Packages.

A Commitment to PHP Standards Recommendations (PSRs)

TYPO3 is modern web technology. Our adherence to the latest PSRs keeps your web project secure and current. We also help develop new PSRs, so TYPO3 evolves and grows with its underlying technology. 

Defunct software is bad business. You need to trust that your CMS’s underlying software is kept up-to-date and inline with the latest in industry standards, and that the people working on it take part in defining what the benchmarks for PHP should look like. 

The TYPO3 Core Team constantly updates the core to comply with the latest PSRs and contributes to the open source creation of PSRs. We frequently ship updates to our PHP-based core, while maintaining  backwards-compatibility whenever we can. 

  • TYPO3 uses PSR-14 Events for event-handling and notifying other page components about a specific event.
  • TYPO3 makes it easy to migrate to PSR-14 for event handling If you’re already using TYPO3’s past Signal/Slots technology
  • TYPO3 Core offers dependency injections based on PSR-11 standards and Symfony’s industry-proven dependency injection principles
  • The Composer Autoloader for PHP Classes powers extensions that ship a composer.json and define a PSR-4 class standard, and any TYPO3 installation that is set up with Composer automatically benefits. 
  • When the Composer Autoloader doesn’t work, the TYPO3 class loader steps in as a backup. 

Learn how TYPO3 can meet your present and future needs

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