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TYPO3 CMS for Healthcare Organizations

In the healthcare industry, you need a CMS that can keep up with shifting regulations, volumes of data, and complex product integrations. You need the highest levels of security and privacy to maintain patient trust and legal compliance. TYPO3 healthcare CMS offers a strong security ecosystem, structured site management, built-in privacy tooling, and long-term commercial support. Secure your healthcare website and spend more time engaging with patients. 

Our software is patient-centric

Spend your time on your patients, not on your software. Be confident that TYPO3 is helping you deal with regulatory demands, security concerns, high volumes of data, staffing issues, and complex supply chains.

Digital-first healthcare

TYPO3 integrates with your preferred systems and existing workflows. We help you administer large websites with diverse user groups—from patients to providers, sales to research. Meanwhile, our security and privacy features protect sensitive data.

Secure. Robust. Supported.

With TYPO3, you’re using fully-supported technology to secure your website and manage large volumes of data. Create meaningful, personal connections with patients and customers while we support your digital presence.

Organizations that care trust TYPO3

We sustain digital transformations

Security is the top priority

Your team shouldn’t have to find out about security issues in the news after it’s too late to do anything, and your IT team should be able to rely on your CMS to address any sudden security issues. TYPO3’s proactive security team has a proven track record of rapid incident response and follows the best industry practices for communication, fixing security issues, and releasing fixes quickly. With a proven track record for handling even the highest-risk, enterprise-level challenges, you can trust that TYPO3 makes security its top priority. 

Secure sites with powerful Access Control

If your organization handles sensitive user data, your internal users will need different access levels to the information you handle on the backend. TYPO’s powerful access control features help define user groups’ levels of access.  Additional security features like multi-factor authentication, IP-address detection, and internal user directories keep the wrong people from accessing your CMS. TYPO3 ensures your internal and external users can access the information they need, but not more. 

Respect user privacy

If your organization handles sensitive user data, your internal and external users alike must trust that you’re keeping them secure. With the TYPO3 CMS, you can schedule stored data for deletion or cleanup and automate security processes around privacy to prevent human error from unveiling sensitive data.  TYPO3 respects user privacy and sensitive information by design. 

Centralized control over global access and compliance

A centralized, company-wide solution needs to take care of global requirements alongside local needs. TYPO3 offers global user rights management, content, and asset handling while enabling flexible solutions for local markets. In TYPO3, governance and compliance with local regulations (like GDPR or security requirements) can be accomplished within a single application and applied to all websites. The CMS offers global control with local editor enablement.

Leverage multimedia assets in branding 

A modern website needs to feature various media assets. TYPO3’s powerful asset management tools allow editors to upload, embed, import, and edit any kind of media without converting data beforehand. Content editors can rely on TYPO3 for flexibility and a beautiful display of all kinds of images or videos.  

Simplify complex content

Explaining a complex piece of software or physical product can be very involved, especially when your customers have limited time. TYPO3 provides all kinds of tools to make digital explainers accessible to a broad audience. Options like FAQs, a wide media format range, and interactive elements can all support your customer education needs. TYPO3 places the right digital tools at your disposal, so you can make a great first impression with new customers. 

Make assets available for download

When you make assets available for download, there’s a risk that content gets duplicated, outdated, or accessible to the wrong people. In TYPO3, asset downloads are managed centrally and securely, with both general download areas and personalized ones for different types of users. TYPO3’s centralized digital library gives partners, employees, customers, contractors, and other stakeholders controlled access to digital assets.

What healthcare insiders are saying...

Marion in 't Zandt - Marketing & Communication - Veiling Rhein-Maas

TYPO3 helps us to edit and manage the content of our website easily and quickly from anywhere and at anytime. Furthermore it allows us to design our website to our wants and needs and to create, send and analyze our email-newsletters in a very efficient way.

Mirelle Vink - Online Project Manager - DMG

By using TYPO3, our marketing department is very flexible in publishing promotions and important content. This is very important for a commercial organization like DMG.

Ryan Owens - Executive Director - Monadnock Conservancy

We couldn’t be happier with our new website, and we love the user-friendly yet powerful TYPO3 content management system.

Stories about our healthcare clients

Sysmex Europe

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