Author: Mathias Schreiber

Mathias comes from a background in advertising in the music industry. After venturing into musical instrument wholesale he moved to the advertising side of things in the late 90s. His first contact with TYPO3 happened in 2001 when he became part of netfielders and was introduced closely to the TYPO3 community. After being an active member in the TYPO3 Association he took some time off community work to come back in 2013 by raising funds for the 6.2 release and later being sponsored as a full-time product owner in late 2014. In 2016 Mathias got chosen to become CEO of the TYPO3 GmbH in order to further foster the development and visibility of TYPO3 worldwide. In his few hours off TYPO3 a week he tries to master the guitar while living with his wife and dog in Düsseldorf, Germany.

How to Check up on Your TYPO3 Website

Quality assurance (QA) of your TYPO3 project includes checks on testing, security, deployment, monitoring, and website analytics. Read how to easily check your website before and after deployment in our newest blog post.

How We Chose to Support Xdebug

As an open-source service company, TYPO3 GmbH is based on creating revenue to support our open source software project. Since Xdebug saves our developers actual working time each day, we’ve decided to invest in one of three available support packages. Read this article and learn why you should do so too.

Start Improving Docs Now to Grow TYPO3

Documentation is a crucial part in the process of developing and improving software and contributing to said process is easier than you would think: Everyone has skills which can be used for improvement. Learn how even quick changes can have a big impact!

TYPO3 Conference 2018 - Award Winners

As a part of the TYPO3 Conference 2018, the TYPO3 Award honored industry leaders within the TYPO3 community for their successful work. With 46 nominations across 15 categories, lots of businesses served as an example with their engagement and committed work.

The Importance of Software Support Periods for IT Decision Makers

Whenever you evaluate possible software solutions, pay extra attention to how long the official support periods are. Knowing that, plus your software cycle time and if extended support available once regular support ends will help you make a choice you won’t regret.

TYPO3 v9 LTS Released

It's out! The big day came on Tuesday, and the newest major version TYPO3 v9 LTS is available now. Easier workflows for everyday tasks, better site management, and developer experience improvements. Download and give it a spin!

TYPO3 v9 LTS - Benefits for Business Users

Are you excited for the upcoming release day? Next week on Tuesday, October 2nd, TYPO3 CMS v9.5 LTS is released. The newest version will be more user friendly, more mobile friendly, more cloud friendly and especially more business friendly. Learn about the improvements in this article.

8 On-page SEO Best Practices in Plain English

A major part of getting on-page SEO right is about consistency. Anytime you publish content of any kind on your site, weave more SEO into it. TYPO3 has a rich set of tools to optimize your content on the go.

Debugging TYPO3 with Xdebug and PHPStorm

Debugging is a necessary process to fully identify and ultimately correct bugs in programs. For a new approach to said process, watch a tutorial from our developer Susi, demonstrating the advantages of debugging your TYPO3 installation with Xdebug and PHPStorm: Learn how to debug faster and more efficient!