Tag: Project Review
Do you know the technical condition of your TYPO3 web application? We can analyze it for you and deliver a technical documentation - the TYPO3 Project Review - with objective facts including suggestions concerning implementation, best practices and next steps.
How to Check up on Your TYPO3 Website
Quality assurance (QA) of your TYPO3 project includes checks on testing, security, deployment, monitoring, and website analytics. Read how to easily check your website before and after deployment in our newest blog post.
Getting Started Developing With TYPO3 - Part 2
Are you developing custom extensions with TYPO3? This article is the second part of a two-part series and includes TYPO3 tutorials and tips for developers using TYPO3 as a framework.
Getting Started Developing With TYPO3 - Part 1
Wondering what you can do in the TYPO3 core and how to evaluate extensions in the TYPO3 Extension Repository? We cover some key factors (and caveats) here. If you're getting started developing with TYPO3 you should to check out the first part of this two-part blog post.
10 Admin UX Improvements in TYPO3 v10
A great CMS UX is a virtuous circle. TYPO3 CMS’s user experience affects every aspect of site creation, management, not just content management. That’s why every UX improvement has a major impact. Here are 10 features getting UX improvements in TYPO3 v10.
7 Reasons for an Independent TYPO3 Project Review
Is something stopping you from completing your TYPO3 website project? Things can get messy and dizzyingly chaotic. That goes for code and for communication. If the going gets tough, consider taking TYPO3 GmbH on board as a third-party expert to review your project and establish a solid solution architecture.
How We Chose to Support Xdebug
As an open-source service company, TYPO3 GmbH is based on creating revenue to support our open source software project. Since Xdebug saves our developers actual working time each day, we’ve decided to invest in one of three available support packages. Read this article and learn why you should do so too.
TYPO3 v9’s New Extension Scanner Makes Planning Upgrades Easier
The new Extension Scanner included in TYPO3 v9 helps you analyze websites and applications to better plan and estimate your upgrades. Are you working with an older TYPO3 version? The scanner's standalone version also works with TYPO3 v6, v7, and v8.
Do You Know the Technical Condition of Your TYPO3 Website?
Whether your business website runs on TYPO3 or you make money building TYPO3 websites - knowing the technical condition of the site(s) is a top priority. TYPO3 Project Reviews guide website owners and builders in making well-informed decisions. Download a free example!