Author: Mathias Bolt Lesniak
Mathias lives in Norway with his kiwi wife and two kids. He is an official TYPO3 project ambassador and active promoter of open source ideas and ideals around the world.

T3CON Recap—TYPO3 CMS & AI: Three Snapshots of AI-Powered Content Management
AI will change content management forever. In part nine of our T3CON recap series, we bring you back to a threefold demonstration of AI-powered CMS features far beyond text and image generation.

T3CON Recap—AI Demystified: Sustainable and Intelligent Best Practices for Artificial Intelligence
Part eight of our recap series of 2023's T3CON sessions. Misconceptions, uncomfortable facts, and best practices. Thought leader, hosting expert, and AI engineer discuss potentials and challenges of AI.

T3CON23 Recap—Infrastructure as Code
Part six of our recap series of 2023's T3CON sessions. Automation can improve how web applications get deployed. Reproducible deployments reduce errors and increase efficiency.

Innovation, Excellence, and Community Spirit at the TYPO3 Awards
Discover the best of TYPO3 excellence at T3CON23! A grand celebration of innovation, community spirit, and heartwarming moments

COP24 Conference Website Goes Down—How It Could Have Been Avoided
The website of the United Nations conference COP24 went down for several hours during its peak time. An unfortunate incident like this raises one question: What happened to the site? Read our analysis and find out how to avoid a breakdown in your mission-critical web platforms.

Nuts and Bolts of Content Strategy in TYPO3 CMS
When you plan, write, publish and manage your web content you’ll want to have a well-thought out content strategy and a content management system (CMS) that is geared to support your efforts. Here are four ways TYPO3 does just that.