TYPO3 v12 LTS Release Parties
Celebrate with us!
We are getting ready to celebrate the release of the newest TYPO3 v12 LTS release on 25 April 2023. Here’s an overview of all currently planned release parties so that you can celebrate with us!
While the last two releases were solely released with online release parties, we want to kick things off again and connect with all TYPO3 enthusiasts on a personal level.
What you can expect:
- What’s New in TYPO3 v12?
- Meet old friends and new faces
The following release parties have already officially been announced.
Official release party with livestream
The official release party with the “What’s New in TYPO3 v12?” livestream from TYPO3 GmbH will take place at Rheinschafe, Duisburg.
Additional release parties in Germany
- TRITUM, Jena: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/typo3-v12-lts-release-party-tickets-601359852507
- F7 Media, Hamburg: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/typo3-v12-lts-release-party-in-hamburg-tickets-609337433667
- in2code, Rosenheim: https://www.in2code.de/releaseparty-fuer-typo3-12-lts/
- DMK E-BUSINESS GmbH, Chemnitz: https://www.meetup.com/typo3-usergroup-chemnitz-sudwestsachsen/events/292726259/
- CPS, Berlin, Start 4pm, Registration via mail to Ariane Kreßner
- visuellverstehen, Flensburg, Start 6pm, Food and drinks included, Registration via mail to Malte Riechmann
- cron IT, Stuttgart: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/stuttgart-typo3-cms-meetup-gruppe/events/293044743/
- JANDA+ROSCHER, Regensburg: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/regensburg-typo3-usergroup/events/292230367/
- Thiele & Klose GmbH, Mainz: https://www.linkedin.com/events/typo3release-partymainz7053708958254911488/comments/
Additional release parties in Austria
Additional release parties in Switzerland
Additional release parties in India
Your party is missing?
Do you also have a release party planned which is missing on the list? Just send me a quick e-mail (luisa.fassbender(at)typo3.org) or ping me on Slack (@luisasofie) and I’ll make sure to add your release party to the list!