TYPO3 ELTS Release Versions 7.6.55, 8.7.44, and 9.5.32
Staying on top of maintenance and using supported software for your web instance is crucial, and knowing that it is running securely is the most important question of all.
New ELTS release for TYPO3 versions 7.6.55, 8.7.44, and 9.5.32
Our TYPO3 ELTS Team released a new version for TYPO3 ELTS 7.6.55, 8.7.44, and 9.5.32. As always, the main focus of the ELTS release is to keep the instance stable and the backend running smoothly, regardless of current browsers changing their behaviour in the course of time. ELTS subscribers are encouraged to update their instances to the most recent version.
No ELTS subscription yet, but still on version TYPO3 7.6, 8.7 or 9.5?
Are you still running your web instance with TYPO3 7.6, 8.7 or 9.5? If so, consider opting for Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) to keep it as secure as possible with security fixes.
Read on to find out more about TYPO3’s support policy. If you’re not yet subscribed to an ELTS and would like to learn more, check out our ELTS detail page.
General information on TYPO3’s clear support cycle policy
What is LTS?
LTS stands for Long Term Support and every major TYPO3 version is an LTS one. TYPO3 has clearly defined update and support cycles. A new major version of TYPO3 is released every 18 months and the TYPO3 Community supports each of these for three years with security and bug fix releases free of charge.
When a Long Term Support (LTS) version reaches its end of (free of charge) service after three years, you need to either update or relaunch your website to a newer version of TYPO3, or you can opt for ELTS.
What is ELTS?
ELTS stands for Extended Long Term Support. Sometimes there are good reasons for sticking to an older version, and that doesn’t have to be a problem. Maybe your TYPO3 website is still delivering everything you need. Or maybe the update of your website is taking longer than expected. One thing has to be a top priority at all times, and that’s staying on top of maintenance and security updates.
ELTS lets you prolong the lifespan of your web application for up to three additional years in a safe and secure way and is always available for the most recent TYPO3 versions that went out of (free of charge) support, Currently versions 7.6, 8.7 or 9.5.
So if you’re still running any of these TYPO3 versions, purchasing an ELTS plan could be the best option for you.