TYPO3 ELTS 9.5 Will Soon Enter Its Second Year
On October 1, 2022, TYPO3 9.5 will enter its second year of extended support.
There may be plausible reasons for you to stick to an older version of TYPO3. Maybe your site is still delivering all the conversions you’re desiring. You have to make sure to comply with current laws and regulations. With TYPO3 GmbH’s Extended Long Term Support, you’ll ensure your website is fully covered maintenance-wise and provided with the latest updates.
TYPO3 picked up the principle of LTS as one of the first Open Source Content Management Systems in 2011 with the release of version 4.5, giving the same promise with a fixed period of 3 years in which the project would deliver security patches. Along with this came the “platform promise”, which states the system requirement would not change within the LTS period.
What if you need more time?
Updating a website can be a time-consuming process. We’ve heard about cases where it took more than 12 months to get everyone involved in a planning meeting because they were spread out all over the globe. Or you plan to do a relaunch the following year, so spending the budget on updating what you have might be wasted.
We have created TYPO3’s Extended Long Term Support for these cases. By subscribing to one of our plans, you get all security- and bug fixes and an extension to our platform promise.
So, what is ELTS?
ELTS includes security patches, bug fixes, and browser compatibility updates for versions of TYPO3 that the Core Team no longer supports. It also helps organizations comply with GDPR and other regulations relevant to their business or operations.
If you want to make sure that the TYPO3 website is operating at the highest possible quality, Extended Long Term Support is crucial for many reasons. Probably the most important one is your website’s security. Running outdated software can get you in trouble with the law: Since it makes your site vulnerable to security breaches, many countries legally require organizations to run supported software. Of course, you don’t want to expose your website and users to malware and intrusion. Therefore, opting for ELTS if you can’t upgrade to a higher version is wise. Currently, ELTS is available for TYPO3 7.6, 8.7, and 9.5.
Your ELTS benefits
Stay secure and up-to-date with ELTS:
- Extended security
- Extended compatibility
- Extended project lifecycle
- IT security law compliance
- Expanded upgrade window
- Improved ROI and cost savings
Choose ELTS
As the first year of ELTS 9.5 draws to an end on September 30, 2022, we would like to remind you that its second year will start on October 1, 2022. If you need to maintain your TYPO3 9.5 installation(s) beyond September 30, 2022, you can benefit from ELTS 9.5 for up to two more years. In addition, ELTS is still available for TYPO3 7.6 until November 30, 2022, and for TYPO3 8.7 until March 31, 2024.
Plans for the second year of ELTS 9.5 are now available in the official online shop.