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TYPO3 ELTS 6.2.36 Security and Maintenance Release

Maintaining the “health” of your website is crucial and knowing that it is running securely is the most important question of all. Are you still running your web instance on an outdated TYPO3 Long Term Support (LTS) version like 6.2? Have you considered gaining peace of mind by opting for Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) to keep it supported with security updates? This product is about keeping your TYPO3 site as secure as possible by making sure security fixes are available.

TYPO3 ELTS 6.2.36 has been published

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of TYPO3 ELTS 6.2.36. The package includes security fixes as well as bug fixes. As always, the main focus of the ELTS release is to keep the instance stable and the backend running smoothly, regardless of current browsers changing their behaviour in the course of time. We encourage you to update your sites to the most recent version.

To minimize vulnerability for TYPO3 6.2 instances “out in the wild” that still have to be updated (and that are not covered by TYPO3 ELTS), we won’t provide details for the fixes that come with this release. And in case you’re wondering: Yes, even well-written code has bugs. There’s no such thing as bug free software, not even in the top league. But well-written code and a systematic review process keep vulnerabilities to a minimum.

Every web instance has a lifespan

There is no one-size-fits-all timing when it comes to securing the value your website delivers. But every website, running on every technology, will need regular attention. Powerful, open source software like the TYPO3 CMS can power sites reliably for years, but it still needs regular checking and updating. You need to keep your website up-to-date at all times.

Software updates keep security bugs at bay. You’ll want to know the official support periods of the software you’re using to be able to plan essential updates and upgrades in good time. If you’re using TYPO3 CMS, check out the TYPO3 CMS roadmap for exact support dates.

What is TYPO3 Long Term Support (LTS)?

TYPO3 CMS always has two current versions that are supplied with free security bug fixes and security issue fixes by the TYPO3 Community - currently that’s TYPO3 Long Term Support version 7.6 and version 8.7.

Key data:

  • Every 18 months, a new Long Term Support version is published.

  • Each Long Term Support version is maintained by the TYPO3 Community for a three year period for bug fixes and for security issue fixes.

  • Long Term Support is usually abbreviated as LTS.

What is TYPO3 Extended Long Term Support (ELTS)?

When TYPO3 LTS version 8.7 was released in March 2017, the Core Team officially marked LTS version 6.2 as unsupported. Sticking to an older TYPO3 LTS version like 6.2 doesn’t have to be a problem and sometimes there are good reasons for doing so. One thing should be a top priority at all times, and that’s staying on top of maintenance and security updates.

Paid support after the three year support provided by the community can be bought from TYPO3 GmbH. Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) lets you prolong the lifespan of your web instance for up to 24 months in a safe and secure way. ELTS is always available for the most recent unsupported LTS version; the current ELTS package covers you for another year, until March 31st, 2019.

Secure the value your TYPO3 instance delivers by opting for Extended Long Term Support (ELTS). It gives you time to knuckle down and get the upgrade you need done in a smooth manner.

Prolonging the lifespan of a TYPO3 web instance in a safe way

Maybe your website is still delivering everything you need. Or maybe the update of your website is just taking longer than expected. If you’re still running your website on TYPO3 LTS version 6.2, gain peace of mind by opting for TYPO3 GmbH’s ELTS offer.

Want affordable and expert support? Sign up today to hold your spot when the next one-year cycle opens on April 1st 2018! Feel free to contact us if we can be of assistance in any way.