SkillDisplay - TYPO3 Association Member Benefits on SkillDisplay
Congratulations on fulfilling your first new years resolution
Let me begin by congratulating you on fulfilling your first step towards professional skill management, by establishing a solid knowledge base for existing skills in your company.
You have chosen… wisely
If you are pondering on how you managed to complete this daunting task (that you always wanted to tackle but never dared to begin with), let me help you out:
• Step 1: You support the TYPO3 Association with a membership (if you don’t yet, it’s never too late!
That’s it? Yes - that’s it. You expect the TYPO3 Association to make good use of your money, don’t you? That includes having a vision for the future. The very foundation for the rewards you’ll be able to reap in 2021 were laid in 2015.
Six years ago? Wow - it really must have taken some TYPO3 visionaries to foster such long term planning.
Long term strategy
Let’s hop in our DeLorean and do a little time travel:
- Summer 2015 (TYPO3 Developer Days)
Mathias Schreiber and Susanne Moog get introduced to a SkillDisplay proof of concept and support the project - Autumn 2015 up to 2016
Various use cases are held within the education sector on a smaller test scale (Camp participation of students, Certification pre-tests, etc.), in close collaboration with the TYPO3 Education Committee, led by Peter Pröll at this point in time.1 - Spring 2017
The president Olivier Dobberkau himself offers his support to let SkillDisplay and the TYPO3 GmbH apply for Erasmus+ funding and improve the pace for introducing a solid skill base for TYPO3 as foundation for the future. - September 2017 - September 2020
The TYPO3 GmbH2 and TYPO3 Education Committee (now under the lead of Marc Willmann and Tom Novotny) break down existing Certifications to dependent skills, each featuring specific goals one needs to meet in order to master it.
1 Past contributors to the initial skill structure not currently in the Education Committee include Andrea Herzog-Kienast, Pascal Dürsteler, Claus Due, Andrea Schmuttermair and Nicole Cordes - Thank you!
2 At this time with main coordinator Anja Leichsenring - you are awesome!
Make use of the jumpstart
Ok so many people have broken down big certifications in small skills - but you’re asking: WHERE ARE MY DRAGO…. uh… I mean … is my skill management?
You can already browse the TYPO3 Certification SkillSets (https://my.skilldisplay.eu/organizations/1/public) from which the official certification curriculums are rendered. That however is only the tip of the iceberg.
These are the use cases which will be covered by our guest blog articles on typo3.com over the year of 2021:
- Building Career Options and a Mentorship Program
- Offering and Benefitting from Service Suggestions
- Hosting a Talent-Day in Your Agency
- Benefits of a Micro-Certification Environment
- Evaluating Your Agencies Competencies Level
All the requirements for starting one of these scenarios are already included in your TYPO3 Association Membership (Silver, Gold, Platin)
- A SkillDisplay Organization Account
- A fixed usage quota (Verification Credits) granted on a monthly basis, suited to realize the scenarios listed above
- Access to all advanced features (creating own skills for internal use, statistics, API, etc.)
The information on how to access your account will be distributed to TYPO3 association members with the beginning of Q2/2021.
If you want to make sure not to miss our free tutorials and guides, make sure to follow the SkillDisplay GmbH on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/51651237)
Do you want to establish your position as a leading agency with an according training structure early? The ideal first step is the Quickstart Webinar. (TYPO3 Association members can choose a « Business Partner » ticket for a discount)