SkillDisplay - Time for a new onboarding process
Thanks to Christina from SkillDisplay for sharing!
Getting colleagues on board and ready for productive work can be a time-consuming challenge. Here is how you can support that process with SkillDisplay.
Are you currently training new employees or are planning on employing someone new? Then this blog post is the right one for you, it’s all about supporting your onboarding processes with a focus on TYPO3 skills.
The following topics are covered:
- Welcome TYPO3 association members!
- Self Assessment
- Set a goal
- Delivery mode
- Everything about SkillSets
- Create your own skills
- Verification and Certification
Welcome TYPO3 association members!
First of all, we have good news - if you are a TYPO3 association member of level silver, gold or platinum, you can use the SkillDisplay platform as an organisation for free!
Self Assessment
When training your new employees on TYPO3 skills, you should figure out first, what pre-knowledge you require and what level they should achieve during the onboarding process. Via SkillDisplay the fastest way to achieve a detailed understanding of prevalent Skills is Self Assessment.
In case of a hopeful TYPO3 integrator, a non-descript “YAML” reference on the CV can be turned into the clearly defined Skill “YAML Basics” as part of the TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator. Suddenly you and your employee both share the same concept and understanding of what knowledge about YAML in your context actually means: by underlying a concise description, clearly defined learning goals, and referenced resources.
SkillDisplay is free for learners, so everyone can access TYPO3’s Skills and assess their knowledge at any time with a simple click, before the hiring process even starts. Self Assessments and verifications can be rendered as PDF files and used to supplement a candidate’s CV.
Set a goal
Be it a closely defined set of skills for a specific project, or official certification as a prerequisite to get started, you will always have to define one or more learning goals for your colleagues.
For the latter case you can find completely fleshed out SkillSets for TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor, Integrator and Developer on SkillDisplay, provided by TYPO3 and always kept up to date. If you want to prepare for certification, this is what you need to learn.
Delivery mode
Figure out, which resources you’d like your employees to work with. Besides the suggested links in each skill, there are many TYPO3 resources that can be used for learning the skills. A selection can be found in the blog post “SkillDisplay - Learning Resources for TYPO3 Beginners”.
Everything about SkillSets
A SkillSet is a group of related skills and provides a way of displaying everything you would like your employee to learn. SkillSets provide a description, learning resources, and a suggested order in which to learn it’s contained Skills.
You can use all skills available on the SkillDisplay platform and either create your own SkillSet or use one that is ready to use. Currently project management SkillSets for Scrum, Kanban and Waterfall, as well as Web Technologies are available on SkillDisplay.
Create your own skills
If you want to enhance your SkillSet with your own skills and learning resources, this is also possible. You can create skills in the SkillDisplay backend with the help of the Visual Skill Editor. Each Skill has a description, goals, resources and tags. These skills will be private for internal use by your organization members only, but can at a later point be provided to the public too.
If you want to share your learning resources on existing Skills with the rest of the TYPO3 community, you can learn more about that in our last blog post.
Verification and Certification
This is where Self Assessment comes into play again. Employees can track their progress, and request support specifically for Skills they have problems with. With each verification a progress bar fills more and more, giving the learning process a sense of progress and a better feeling on how long it will take to complete - for both learner and trainer.
The next step would be either confirming Practical Experience gained in your company or Educational Verification, which can be received at selected TYPO3 events or through educational institutions. However, as a business, the Practical Expertise button is the one you want to use to verify Skills proven on the job. Issued verifications will also add to your company profile, giving you insight on what Skills are available within your company, and where deficits might still loom.
Depending on which skills you use, you might consider preparing for an official TYPO3 certification. SkillSets for Editors, Integrators and Developers are available on the SkillDisplay platform and show the Skills your employee needs to know. Self Assessment and issued verifications will tell you how close to certification a candidate already is, and help you to plan exam preparations effectively.
Getting started
If you want to get your own SkillSet for training your new, or already existing employees, and want to verify them, you can get more information here: First Steps With Your Free SkillDisplay Organization Account