TYPO3 Developer Days 2022 recap
The T3DD are back - and it was a great return
The TYPO3 Developer Days is an international event for developers that takes place every year. For many developers in the community, It is the event of the year. After a three-year break, the Developer Days took place again this year from August 4 to 7 at the Geno Hotel in Karlsruhe. In cooperation with punkt.de, we organized four days packed with activities that brought you a fun, informative, and safe experience.
The DevDays are a real highlight for TYPO3 enthusiasts in the community as well as providing a good opportunity to improve one's skills and catch up with the latest news. But it's not only the increase in knowledge through the lectures and workshops that make the DevDays so attractive, the social exchange within the community was also in the foreground. They are an invaluable opportunity to meet like-minded people and get in touch with highly skilled TYPO3 developers.
Four days of talks, sessions and workshops

Before the event could start, after registration, each participant received a goodie bag with a T3DD22 shirt, a lanyard with a name tag, and a copy of the Code of Conduct. To make all participants feel comfortable and to ensure safety, there were Ombudspersons to contact in case of any problems.
At noon on August 4, Mathias Schreiber (CEO of TYPO3 GmbH) and Benni Mack (CTO of b13) started with the event's keynote. They mainly went into what the last years looked like and what will happen in the following months in the TYPO3 universe. A highlight on this day and also a premiere in the context of the DevDays was the use of our new online exam tool for the certifications. In advance, the participants had the opportunity to register for the certifications, which took place during the event. A total of 30 participants took part in the certifications as editors, integrators, developers or consultants.
After a coffee break, the first presentations started. There were always up to three sessions running in parallel; in total, there were a maximum of seven session slots per day with short breaks in between. One of these three presentations was streamed live on our YouTube channel. If you missed the T3DD22, you can still watch the streams. After each session, the audience could rate the presentation with green, yellow, and red slips. These were evaluated to determine the "Best Paper Award'' on Sunday.
Coding Night & Social Night

On Friday, after a total of 17 presentations on the content management system and a three-hour workshop, the highlight of the four days was on the agenda: the Coding Night. This is a tradition at every TYPO3 DevDay. A large room with many participants who meet all night long to program together with the TYPO3 Core Merger Team. This was the place to be for anyone that wants to develop exciting features and enjoy the spirit of an entire room of developers hard at work.
The presentations on Saturday started a little later, and the social night wrapped up the day with a superheroes theme. Accordingly, there was a pub quiz, a photo wall with superhero accessories, and a superhero ice cream cake. At a late hour, the DJ played awesome music, so that at the end, some still shook their leg!
Another highlight during the Saturday evening was the photobox, which invited to have fun in front of the camera. This was used in large numbers and it seems that the participants enjoyed it very much.
You can find the results at: https://t3dd22.typo3.com/photobox

On Sunday, after two session slots, the best paper was announced and awarded. Congratulations again to Simon Praetorius with The [r]evolution of Fluid Components!
Thank YOU
Once again: A big thank you goes to our patron sponsor, in2code, whose generous support made this special event possible. Also, we would like to thank all the sponsors and punkt.de who helped us make it a great success. A special thanks goes to the TYPO3 community! Thank you for your unconditional support and engagement.
See you next year at the TYPO3 Developer Days 2023!