SkillDisplay - TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor v11 Syllabus Release
Thanks to Florian Schmitt from SkillDisplay for sharing!
What’s new?
Let’s have a look at what has changed for editors from 10 LTS.
First, the TCCE v11 SkillSet adds a brand new skill, Character Encoding, bringing the certificate to a total of 35 skill definitions.
Furthermore the skill Backend navigation components has been revised and renamed into Backend structure, including an update to the wording of the skill to be in line with the official documentation. Learning goals and linked resources have been expanded to cover deep linking and bookmarks, so revisiting the skill is suggested.
New learning goals have also been added to the skill Working with data records.
Minor changes have been made to almost all skills, in an effort to continuously improve the quality of contents. Descriptions have been streamlined to be more concise, linked resources have been added and revised, and the tagging of existing skills has been further improved to make searching and navigating easier.
Improvements to link and resource quality were made with the help and contribution of Lina Wolf and others from the TYPO3 Documentation Team.
The new SkillSet is freely available on SkillDisplay. So, how can you benefit from all the above work?
Prepare for Certification and Track Your Progress
Whether you aim to acquire official TCCE certification or just want to familiarize yourself with TYPO3 as an editor, the skill definitions provided by the TYPO3 Education Committee offer a concise and comprehensive overview on the tools TYPO3 offers and the knowledge you need to make use of them.
Each skill is defined with a short description, exact learning goals, and links to the official TYPO3 documentation or external resources. You get a clear picture on what you have to learn and, with prerequisite skills defined, you get a learning path with a suggested order to learn the skills in.
„The way the TYPO3 Education Committee breaks down and presents the certification curricula on SkillDisplay was an asset when preparing for my certification.
Despite more than 10 years of experience, I was still able to identify individual points with which I previously had little contact and I was able to deal with them in a targeted manner.“
Eric Bode – TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator
The Self Assessment feature of SkillDisplay helps you keep track of your learning progress with just a click. Acquired skills provide a comparable progress in competence and are automatically added to a personal curriculum vitae, that can be downloaded as PDF
Create custom training in line with official certification
If you are a coach or tasked to train your colleagues for TYPO3, you can use the skill definitions to cut preparation time for your training and as a guideline to keep in line with official certification.
SkillDisplay offers the creation of custom SkillSets, simply by selecting the skills you want to coach and adding a description and optional external resources for your course. Your trainees get a clear view on what you will teach them, can download an automatically generated course curriculum as a PDF, branded with your company, and again make use of SkillDisplay’s verification feature.
Whether your course is publicly visible, like this example by Michael Schams, or only accessible within your company is completely up to you.
If you want to know more on how to enrich your training with SkillDisplay, just get in touch with us.
Go take a look at the updated SkillSet for TCCE 11 LTS, and: Get certified!