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Inside TYPO3 – May 2024

Join us for May’s episode of Inside TYPO3. In this month's episode we have updates from this year's General Assembly and we speak with former TYPO3 Community manager Ben Van’tende to get their perspective on how this role has evolved and changed over the last twenty years.

Thank you to our supporters

A big thank you to this month's supporters, Die Medialen and plan2net.

Next months episode

Next month we turn our attention to T3CON. We’ll speak with TYPO3 GmbH CEO Danial Fau to find out about some of the changes being made to this year's format. Including changes to the nomination process, implementing feedback from last year's event and why it was important to extend the event by one extra day.

Listen to the Podcast

Inside TYPO3 is available on all major platforms including SpotifyApple Podcasts and Amazon Music.