2022 - what a year!
The new year is already in full swing and we’d like to take a moment to look back and reflect on a year in which we saw the return of in person events and the launch of TYPO3 v12.

Live events are back
Last year, events could finally be organized again in person with only some minor restrictions.
This meant that the Developer Days could return to Karlsruhe! And not only that: We were able to hold a total of four Community Sprints at our headquarters in Düsseldorf, a Marketing Sprint and the popular Barcamps were also able to take place in person!
Back to Karlsruhe for the 2022 Developer Days
The Developer Days took place in Karlsruhe in the summer. We spent four days listening to a range of excellent talks alongside workshops and sessions delivered by our community members. The highlight was the coding night, according to the motto: Coding all night long. The superhero social night rounded off the days.
If you couldn't attend the event, you can watch the recap video and also some talks recorded in the live stream on our Youtube channel.
We will return to Karlsruhe again this year and we hope to publish more information about the event as soon as possible.
2023 marks TYPO3’s twenty five year anniversary and we want to celebrate this milestone with everyone in the community.

Joint Community Sprints in Düsseldorf
Last year, we held four joint Community Sprints at our headquarters in Düsseldorf.
During this time, members of different teams, including the Accessibility, Design, Documentation, Security, and Core teams all came together and worked on improving the TYPO3 product and ecosystem.
Working with all the teams, especially on-site rather than remotely, was finally possible again, and we all missed it a lot. Seeing each other again after such a long time, working together, and collaborating made these sprints a great success and helped us improve TYPO3. This year we are going to build on that.
Would you like to get some impressions of the first Community Sprint in April 2022? Then watch the recap video or read our blog post!

Sharing Knowledge at Bar Camps
Since live meetings and events could finally take place in 2022, the famous bar camps were also held in various locations throughout Europe.
The community exchanged ideas, experiences and reaffirmed its commitment to the project in Dresden, Vienna, Munich, Nantes and several other cities.
Release of v12.0 - Release Your Power
It was that time again: On October 4, TYPO3 version 12.0 was released. Following the superhero theme, the first motto was: Release Your Power! v12.0 included essential features and changes like UX improvements in the backend. Especially for integrators and developers, a lot has happened. Stay tuned for more features and a special change!
V12.1 - Together as One!
The second of five sprint releases was on December 6: TYPO3 v12.1 - Together as One!
This release includes many new features, including changes to backend search, the way users preview content, and new tools to help administrators manage user access for multiple file accounts.
For more details, see the Release Notes and our blog post with all the feature highlights.
The next sprint release will be on February 7, and the final LTS release will be in April 2023.

Outlook for 2023
We look back positively on the past year and look forward to everything that 2023 has in store for us.
Here's to a successful year and extraordinary events that further advance the TYPO3 project.