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Extension Type:
Backend, Frontend
Extension Category:
Event Management
Support for:
TYPO3 v11, v10

Professional event management in TYPO3

Managing events is often done outside the normal web page. Creating a consistent user experience takes a significant amount of time and effort.

This Extension offers a lot of functionality for Event Manager to manage events and event registrations incl.:

  • Organize events with a limited amount of participants.
  • Manage payment status for event participants.
  • Manage a waitlist for events with limited participants
  • A backend module allows to filter events, to exports participants as CSV and to notify participants by email.

The extension provides a fully configurable and extendable event management solution for TYPO3. It is seamlessly integrated into the TYPO3 backend by providing forms to manage events and event registrations, which reduced time and implementation efforts.

Custom integration and development

I offer custom integrations for the extension by developing solutions, which extend the original extension without losing the possibility to update the main extension within the used TYPO3 major version.

Want to learn more? See the people involved


Torben Hansen
Developer / Maintainer

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