Though there are ways of increasing the lifespan of your website so it delivers value longer, you always need to know the support cycles of your software. TYPO3 CMS has clearly defined update and support cycles. The community supports every Long Term Support (LTS) version for three years after release with security and bug fix releases. A new, stable, major version of TYPO3 CMS is released every 18 months. TYPO3 GmbH offers Extended Long Term Support (ELTS).

TYPO3 ELTS 6.2.36 Security and Maintenance Release

Have you stayed on top of maintenance and updates for your TYPO3 instance? If you’re still running version 6.2 you can gain peace of mind by opting for Extended Long Term Support (ELTS). Last week ELTS version 6.2.36 was released.

IT Security Act: Software Updates Are Now Required by Law in Germany

Safeguarding critical information technology has been mandatory in Germany since 2017. With the coming into force of the IT Security Act, website owners have to ensure that websites are safe at all times. If you’re running an outdated TYPO3 version, consider opting for Extended Long Term Support.

IT Security Laws in Europe Get Serious

With cybercrime growing in severity and persistence, governments across the globe are prioritising new laws and regulations. In Germany and the European Union, three new laws have recently been passed. They aim at avoiding financial loss and maintaining a high standard of information technology (IT) security.

Germany Tightens IT Security

German government has passed a new IT security law, the so-called "IT-Sicherheitsgesetz". With the coming into force of the IT Security Act, website operators have to ensure that websites are safe at all times. If you’re running an outdated TYPO3 version considering opting for Extended Long Term Support.

TYPO3 ELTS Release Version 6.2.35

After 3 years of free support, TYPO3 LTS version 6.2 was officially marked as unsupported this spring. Since then, Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) can be booked to keep things safe. This week, TYPO3’s core team has released yet another ELTS security release: version 6.2.35.

TYPO3 ELTS Release Version 6.2.32

If you opt for TYPO3 GmbH's Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), you gain peace of mind. Our newly released version 6.2.32 lets you stay on top in terms of maintenance and security updates.

Securing the Value Your Website Delivers

Your website is valuable. It’s where people learn about you and make orders, and find their way to your locations. Staying on top of maintenance and updates for your CMS needs to be a top priority at all times. But there are also ways of increasing the lifespan of your website if it’s still delivering everything you need.

5 Steps to Make the “Golden” Years of a Website Healthier!

It’s important to evaluate new technology before applying it to your website. Thriving in the digital era means adapting to the right standards at the right time. And there are ways to increase the lifespan of your website and make it last a while longer.

What is TYPO3 Extended Long Term Support?

Support for a software does not end all of a sudden (well, to some people it does… much like new year’s eve being surprisingly early), normally there are fixed time frames for how long a particular piece of software is being supported.