Tag: T3G
T3G, that stands for TYPO3 GmbH. TYPO3 is backed both by its developer and service provider communities, as well as a commercial entity, TYPO3 GmbH, which backs the CMS with further special services.
New Blog Release - More Control, More Transparency
With this new version of our blog you are able to shine more light on your authors. You will also gain more control over your posts and comments left by your readers.
Why You Should Use an Official Partner
With every powerful system comes a more or less steep learning curve, and these don’t go together with “quick wins” - leaving behind mixed results in terms of quality.
What is TYPO3 Extended Long Term Support?
Support for a software does not end all of a sudden (well, to some people it does… much like new year’s eve being surprisingly early), normally there are fixed time frames for how long a particular piece of software is being supported.
Support Possibilities in Open Source Communities
You are thinking about using an Open Source Software but are unsure whether you might get the same support that a paid software would have. In the following sections we’re presenting the different levels of support you can leverage for typical open source projects.
Hello World. Welcome to the TYPO3 GmbH.
One of the fundamental problems with doing a lot of stuff: Unless you tell what you are doing, people start to think you are not doing anything. So, we understand that the lack of communication in the past weeks wasn't good. Indeed, and we hope you understand, it was because we did a LOT of things. However, we'd like to say sorry and promise we'll do better in the near future.