5 Steps to Make the “Golden” Years of a Website Healthier!
It’s important to evaluate new technology before applying it to your website. Thriving in the digital era means adapting to the right standards at the right time. And there are ways to increase the lifespan of your website and make it last a while longer.
Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part III: Unit Tests
Units are the smallest testable parts of software. The workflow patterns we use for testing TYPO3´s core have evolved over time and unit testing became an integral part quite a few years ago. This was after experiencing rather strange issues when first integrating the scheduler into the core.
SkillDisplay - How to Learn New TYPO3 Skills
Learning is a personal experience and everyone learns in a different way. It’s about content, and also about the different styles of learning. SkillDisplay shows how TYPO3 skills can be learnt and uses two methods for effectively visualizing information: the so called SkillTree and the SkillPath.
When IT Decision Makers Turn to Open Source Software It’s an Act of Liberation
There are still lots of people who mistakenly believe that open-source software is just about saving money. It’s not. The move to open-source technology is a much more fundamental shift.
Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part II: On Hardware & Dockers
Developing a successful and strong software requires a decent development platform with specific hardware, third-party software and parallelization of jobs. An efficient communication between this setup and other parts of the system ensures that processes run smoothly and swiftly.
SkillDisplay - Skills and Dependencies: How They Relate to Each Other
SkillDisplay uses a concept to make your learning experience rich and fun. In order to learn a new skill, you have to understand the dependencies. Here's how.
Testing TYPO3's Core - Part I: Infrastructure
Automatic testing is integrated into the process of developing TYPO's core. Every patch version that is pushed to the review system goes through a standard process and multiple verification ensures that the software conforms to requirements.
SkillDisplay - Certify Your First Skill "About a CMS"!
In our last post we explained what SkillDisplay is and what the platform’s major benefits are. Now it is time to show you how to attain your very first skill on our platform.
TYPO3 University Day Coming up in September 2017
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and TYPO3’s Academic Committee have announced that they will once again join forces to take on this year’s TYPO3 University Day (T3UD17).
Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Launched
From now on, everybody using the TYPO3 CMS (version 7 or higher) gets assistance from Yoast to write readable content and optimize it for search engines.
SkillDisplay - Show What You Can Do!
Do you like to show others what you can do? Are you even more motivated if you track your success, no matter how much you worked for it? Then we proudly present SkillDisplay - A platform which helps you to record and display your skills.