How DKD Guarantee Success With TYPO3

Søren Schaffstein of DKD shares business development tips for TYPO3. Learn how to leverage the partnership program to raise your agency’s profile and build trust with decision makers.

Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - February 2018

Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TYPO3 CMS over the last month. No doubt about it, you coders rock! You’ve done an amazing number of contributions. Check our list for names and numbers.

Serious Software Testing: TYPO3 Runs Its 20,000th Build!

Consistent software testing is the key to a successful, long-term and high-quality solution. TYPO3 CMS has a well-established testing process. Every change that’s made to the core runs through the complete process before getting merged into the system. We’re proud to announce that the 20,000th build process since mid 2016 was run several days ago!

6 Reasons Why IT Decision Makers Turn to OSS Like TYPO3 CMS

There is one misconception about open source software (OSS) which stubbornly prevails: Since OSS is for free, it doesn’t require any costs whatsoever. While the software itself is free of charge, the implementation and regular maintenance is not. Yet, there are many reasons why IT decision makers turn to OSS solutions. Learn why in this blog post.

TYPO3 Blog Extension 8.7.1 and 7.6.1 Released

We’re pleased to announce that two new versions of the TYPO3 Blog Extension have been released: 7.6.1 and 8.7.1. Find out more about the recent changes. In today’s post, we also give an insight into new features that will be introduced to the extension when the next LTS version, TYPO3 v9, is released later this year.

DDEV Adds Support for TYPO3 CMS

TYPO3 GmbH announces the official beta-release of a TYPO3 CMS local development environment. DDEV, built by DRUD Technology LLC, is a fast, container-based open-source development environment that now supports TYPO3, meaning: Less time for environment configuration, more time on getting your work done. Spin up TYPO3 instances immediately!

SkillDisplay - Part II: The Who, Why, and What of the TCCE Workshop

In the second part of SkillDisplay’s series about enhancing education within the TYPO3 sector, we’ll learn more about the participating parties - TYPO3 Education Committee, TYPO3 GmbH and SkillDisplay themselves - and the roles they play in improving the processes therein. Read about it in SkillDisplay’s newest blog post.

Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - January 2018

Now, that the first month of the year has passed, we’re - again - happy to share the contributions to the TYPO3 project with you. We’d like to thank each and every one for your ongoing support and your devoted work. Here are January’s names and some impressive numbers.

Recap: TYPO3 Camp Mitteldeutschland 2018 (T3CMD)

Last weekend the TYPO3 Camp Mitteldeutschland (T3CMD) drew a lot of TYPO3 professionals to Dresden, Germany. Anja Leichsenring had the chance to take part in the event and shares her experience and some background information with us. Find out more in her recap.

TYPO3 CMS and Higher Educational Institutions - a Success Story

The demand for complex websites that are nevertheless user-friendly is ever-growing. Like large-scale businesses, higher educational institutions have a diverse audience they need to address: Students, alumni and faculty staff, to name but a few. In this blog post, we’re focusing on how these institutions are collaborating successfully with TYPO3 CMS, and why they do so.

b13 Digital Agency Grows With TYPO3 Partnership - TYPO3 GmbH

The b13 agency grows their business as a TYPO3 partner. They love being able to sell clients reassurance. TYPO3 is a stable platform flexible to tackle any challenge. TYPO3 GmbH offer services which provide a seal of quality assurance. Find out how you can gain new business opportunities and scale your operations as a TYPO3 partner.