TYPO3 on Amazon Web Services - Part 2
The previous part of this guest article focused on the machine images available at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace and the benefits of cloud-based TYPO3 hosting with AWS generally. This part explains how to launch a machine image with TYPO3 pre-installed and which other services can make a TYPO3 site highly available, scalable and blazing fast.
TYPO3 ELTS 6.2.36 Security and Maintenance Release
Have you stayed on top of maintenance and updates for your TYPO3 instance? If you’re still running version 6.2 you can gain peace of mind by opting for Extended Long Term Support (ELTS). Last week ELTS version 6.2.36 was released.
TYPO3 on Amazon Web Services - Part 1
Running mission critical web applications in "the cloud" is nothing extraordinary today anymore and as the market leader, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides cloud computing platforms and services in many regions across the globe. Learn more about the benefits, costs and typical use cases of cloud-based TYPO3 hosting at AWS in part one of a two-part-series.
SkillDisplay - Part III: An In-Depth Look at the Certification Creation Workflow
In SkillDisplay’s current blog post you can read about the new TYPO3 certification workflow. The aim of the whole workflow is to shorten the time between releasing a new Long Term Support (LTS) version and updating the certification itself.
IT Security Act: Software Updates Are Now Required by Law in Germany
Safeguarding critical information technology has been mandatory in Germany since 2017. With the coming into force of the IT Security Act, website owners have to ensure that websites are safe at all times. If you’re running an outdated TYPO3 version, consider opting for Extended Long Term Support.
How DKD Guarantee Success With TYPO3
Søren Schaffstein of DKD shares business development tips for TYPO3. Learn how to leverage the partnership program to raise your agency’s profile and build trust with decision makers.
Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - February 2018
Welcome back for another analysis of contributions to TYPO3 CMS over the last month. No doubt about it, you coders rock! You’ve done an amazing number of contributions. Check our list for names and numbers.
Serious Software Testing: TYPO3 Runs Its 20,000th Build!
Consistent software testing is the key to a successful, long-term and high-quality solution. TYPO3 CMS has a well-established testing process. Every change that’s made to the core runs through the complete process before getting merged into the system. We’re proud to announce that the 20,000th build process since mid 2016 was run several days ago!
6 Reasons Why IT Decision Makers Turn to OSS Like TYPO3 CMS
There is one misconception about open source software (OSS) which stubbornly prevails: Since OSS is for free, it doesn’t require any costs whatsoever. While the software itself is free of charge, the implementation and regular maintenance is not. Yet, there are many reasons why IT decision makers turn to OSS solutions. Learn why in this blog post.
TYPO3 Blog Extension 8.7.1 and 7.6.1 Released
We’re pleased to announce that two new versions of the TYPO3 Blog Extension have been released: 7.6.1 and 8.7.1. Find out more about the recent changes. In today’s post, we also give an insight into new features that will be introduced to the extension when the next LTS version, TYPO3 v9, is released later this year.
DDEV Adds Support for TYPO3 CMS
TYPO3 GmbH announces the official beta-release of a TYPO3 CMS local development environment. DDEV, built by DRUD Technology LLC, is a fast, container-based open-source development environment that now supports TYPO3, meaning: Less time for environment configuration, more time on getting your work done. Spin up TYPO3 instances immediately!