Tag: LTS

TYPO3 has a completely transparent roadmap, making it easy to plan ahead. Every 18 months a new Long Term Support (LTS) version of TYPO3 is released. And every LTS version is maintained by the TYPO3 community for 3 years. After that, the software should either be updated to a newer version, or Extended Long Term Support should be bought.

Mark Your Calendar! - TYPO3 Events in Q1 2020 and Beyond

Events and conferences are a great way to get together with like-minded people, gain knowledge and establish new business relationships. We compiled a list of TYPO3 events for Q1 2020 and beyond. Take out your calendars and make sure to mark these dates!

TYPO3 v6.2.47 and 7.6.40 ELTS Released

Still sticking to an older version of TYPO3? There may be good reasons for doing so. Today, TYPO3 v6.2.47 and 7.6.40 ELTS have been released. Staying on top of maintenance and security updates should be a top priority - Gain peace of mind by opting for one of TYPO3 GmbH’s Extended Support offers!

Keep Your TYPO3 v7.6 Site Safe With ELTS

Software delivers the most value when fully updated and supported - your enterprise’s CMS is no exception. Keep your TYPO3 v7.6 website safe and increase your return on investment (ROI) by opting for our Extended Long Term Support (ELTS).

SkillDisplay - Become a Test Verifier for Six Months

SkillDisplay‘s Open Beta is live and therefore they invite business persons to test the platform for the following six months. Their newest blog post covers possible verification scenarios and explains how to become a test verifier.

ELTS for TYPO3 v7 Is Now Available!

ELTS is now available for TYPO3 version 7! We encourage everyone to update and upgrade to the newest versions of TYPO3, but it’s not always immediately possible for every website. Ensure your TYPO3 v7 website or application is secure and fully compatible with modern browsers; sign up for ELTS today.

The Importance of Software Support Periods for IT Decision Makers

Whenever you evaluate possible software solutions, pay extra attention to how long the official support periods are. Knowing that, plus your software cycle time and if extended support available once regular support ends will help you make a choice you won’t regret.

TYPO3 v9 LTS Released

It's out! The big day came on Tuesday, and the newest major version TYPO3 v9 LTS is available now. Easier workflows for everyday tasks, better site management, and developer experience improvements. Download and give it a spin!

SkillDisplay - Add Your LTS v8 Certificates to the Platform

SkillDisplay has a new feature - the “Rewards” function. Learners can now add their TCCE, TCCI and TCCD certificates to their SkillDisplay profile and receive their first reward - a certification sharing guide - so they can make their skills visible on the internet.

TYPO3 ELTS Release Version 6.2.38

Have you stayed on top of maintenance and updates for your TYPO3 instance? If you’re still running TYPO3 LTS version 6.2, you may want to consider opting for Extended Long Term Support (ELTS). Last week ELTS version 6.2.38 was released.

TYPO3 ELTS 6.2 Extended for One More Year

We recently conducted a survey among our Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) clients. The responses and numbers speak for themselves: Due to the clear interest, we will be offering a third year of TYPO3 ELTS 6.2 from April 2019 to March 2020. Thanks a lot to all of you who provided helpful feedback!